Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Campaign 101 Tip: Develop a message

The "Campaign Message" is a crucial part of the candidates image and their personal brand. Obama has effectively branded his campaign as that of "Change" through his message "Change we can believe in." This has stayed consistent throughout most of his campaign and has been used with much success.

Now as for McCain, he has been unable to create a message. His "Straight Talk Express" approach has framed his approach to politics; trust, transparency and leadership. However, it does not do enough to meet the consumer (voter) sweetspot.

McCain's campaign slogans have changed frequently in the general election. He once used "A Leader we can believe in" but it was riduculed for being too close to Obama's slogan. In fact he even tried to use the Obama colors on his site...This, of course, could have been a violation of intellectual property but more so I believe the worst decision the McCain campaign could have ever made because when you saw the site, it made you think of Obama.

McCain is now using "Reform. Prosperity. Peace." This is better, but I still don't believe it captures the consumer (voter) sweetspot. I feel that voters want change but with experience. McCain represnts both. He needs to do a better job packaging himself into a campaign message.

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